Connect a Community-led Renewable Energy Project

On 01 July 2021, the Commission for Regulation of Utilities  (CRU) published a Clarification Note (CRU/21/069) to change the definition of a Community-Led Renewable Energy Project contained in the Enduring Connection Policy Stage 2 (ECP-2) Decision Paper (CRU/20/060). Community Led Energy Projects must now be 100% community-owned to be processed under Category C in ECP-2.4  and subsequent ECP batches. The revised definition aligns with the RESS-2 Community-Led Project ownership requirements of 100% (as outlined in the RESS-2 Terms & Conditions).

Community-led Projects must also have  a Maximum Export Capacity (MEC) greater than or equal to 0.5 MW and less than or equal to 5 MW and meet the following requirements:

  • At all relevant times, be at least 100% owned by a Renewable Energy Community (the “Relevant REC”) either by way of direct ownership of the ECP project’s assets or direct ownership of the shares in the generator; and
  • At all relevant times, at least 100% of all expected profits, dividends, and surpluses derived from the project are returned to the Relevant REC.

On 4th April 2023, the CRU published the ECP-2.4 decision (CRU202326), a policy update to ECP-2, to address the volume of grid connection applications in a way that promotes optimal use of the existing network considering the system needs, national policy, and consumer interest. Changes from ECP-2 are detailed in the Decision Paper.

ECP-2.4 Decision Paper (CRU202326)


Generator Types:

  • Wind turbines (wind)
  • Solar photovoltaic panels (solar)
  • Hydraulic turbines (hydro) excluding pumped storage
  • Waste to energy projects
  • Biomass projects and biogas projects

Note: Renewable energy generation technologies may not be used in combination with non-renewable generation technologies.

Step by step guide


For connections made after September 2018, some Distribution Code conditions may change, arising from the need to be aligned with European Network Codes.

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1800 372 757