
Consultation on ESB Networks’ Investment Plan Approach for Price Review 6 (PR6) – July 2024

ESB Networks is committed to developing and delivering a plan for PR6, in collaboration with our customers and stakeholders, to support the transformational change needed to bring about a more secure, affordable and sustainable energy future for individuals and communities across Ireland.

To help further shape these plans, your feedback would be very much appreciated.

The consultation period will begin on Friday 12th July 2024, and will close on Friday 30th August 2024 at 17:00pm. 

All comments are invited and can be sent directly to 

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New Connections

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Manufacturer’s ELS Product Declaration NC7-03-R1

ESB Networks DAC requires the information requested on this form to manage your electricity supply connection. As the Distribution System Operator, this information is also required to enable ESB Networks DAC to manage the electricity network.
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Conditions Governing the Connection and Operation of Export Limiting Schemes (ELS) at LV and MV

This document is to facilitate the installation of generation at demand sites within the scope of Mini-Generation and Small Scale Generation, as defined in the "Conditions Governing the Connection and Operation of Mini-Generation" and the "Conditions Governing the Connection and Operation of Small Scale Generation".

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38kV and 110kV Station Special Load Readings 2022/2023

Special Load Readings (SLR) are a coincident set of measurements of simultaneous load for all distribution substations. The readings are recorded for 4 times annually as follows:

  • Winter: Measure at 12.30 and 18.00 hours on second Thursday in December. If the second Thursday in December is the 8th then the measurements are taken on the following Tuesday, December 13th.
  • Summer Peak: Measured at 12.30 hours on the fourth Thursday in June.
  • Summer Valley: Measured at 06.00 hours on the Sunday preceding the early August Monday Public Holiday.

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Application for Relocation of Pole or Line (NW1)

This application form is for customers who wish to apply to relocate a pole or line. NW1 |ESB Networks

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Conditions Governing the Connection and Operation of Mini-Generation

This document provides information for LV connected demand customers, with an installed generation capacity up to an installed capacity of 72 A single-phase (c. 17 kVA) or 72 A per phase three-phase (c. 50 kVA), termed "Mini-Generation".

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Distribution Capacity Enquiry 2017 DOC 091017 CXO

This PDF gives a high level review of existing network capacity for connecting large demand.

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DSO Capacity Release Form

On the 10th June 2020, the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) published a  Decision Paper - Enduring Connection Policy Stage 2 (ECP-2) CRU/20/060 (the “CRU Decision Paper”), following a CRU Consultation - Enduring Connection Policy Stage 2 (ECP-2) - Proposed Decision CRU/19/143. 

As directed by the CRU, this standard application form has been published to facilitate the implementation of Section 2.9 of the CRU Decision Paper. This application form should not be used for any other purpose. 

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Electrical Services Guidebook for Housing Schemes

This document provides a guide to the requirements of ESB Networks in relation to electricity installations in housing schemes.

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Application Form for Mini-Generator Connections at LV with an installed generation capacity between 25A  (~6kVA) and 72A (~17kVA) for single phase connections and between 16A (~11kVA) and 72A (~50kVA) for three phase connections. NC7 | ESB Networks

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Guide to the Process for Connection of Demand Customers to the Distribution System

This guide is designed to illustrate the steps in obtaining a connection to the Distribution System for demand customers

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Large Business Deemed Letter

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Large Business Quotation Letter

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