Community Data
Learn how your community compares to others across the country
- Across the country, homes, businesses and organisations are taking steps towards a more sustainable future when it comes to electricity.
- Here you will find some key statistics on how each community is playing their part. From the drop down menu below, select the county you wish to view. You will find information on each counties demand, generation and participation in flexibility initiatives with ESB Networks. You will also find information on the anticipated flexibility targets for each county in the coming years.
- Watch this page over the coming months as we update the information and track how your county is doing, and compare it to others.

Renewable Energy Ranking
Select a county below to see how it compares to other counties in Ireland. Each county is ranked between 1 and 26 based on their renewable energy mix.
You will see an indication of the demand, flexible product and technology update which all feeds in to the county score.
This ranking is updated on a monthly basis.
Sign up to flexible products today. For 'Beat the Peak Business' please click here or to take part in 'Is This a Good Time?' please click here.
1 MW compared to 184502319 kWh Irish Average{{County}} has Low Demand, compared to the average community in Ireland.
Uptake in Flexible Products
00% compared to 0 averageHomes
00% compared to 1001 average{{XX}} people in this county responded to the latest national event as part of our domestic 'Is This a Good Time?'.
Technology Uptake
00% compared to 18358 AverageMinigen
00% compared to 1386 AverageFor more info on flexible technology uptake in your area please visit the SEAI website here.