Project Objectives
What are the Dingle Project objectives?
Customer Flexibility - Inform ESB Networks as to whether these clean energy enabling technologies, which will become more common place in our homes/businesses over time, can be operated in a manner so as to support the efficient operation of the electricity network.
Peer-to-Peer Services - Investigate how Peer-to-Peer impacts the technical operation of the low voltage network and the functional requirements of metering to support it.
Increased Networks Reliability - Inform ESB Networks as to whether new technologies trialled on the electricity network can minimise the instances of and duration of power outages for customers.
Activate the Energy Citizen - Understand the value of engagement strategies required to enable society to transition to the role of “active energy citizen”. This is a person who changes their behaviour to create a positive impact on the electrical network.
What will the Dingle Project deliver?
- An evaluation of the technical results of project trials that will inform the design of the future electricity network.
- An in-depth analysis outlining what enables an individual to become an active energy citizen with consideration given to the challenges and barriers that they may face.
How are we delivering the Dingle Project?
- Collaboration with the local community and recruiting community members to help us trial various technologies across the Dingle peninsula.
- Installation and testing of renewable technologies and Smart Devices on the electricity network.
- Partnering with local community groups, academia, industry, regulation and policy owners.
Speak to our Project Team
If you would like to learn more about the Dingle Project or wish to speak to a member of the Project Team