Rota Controlled Demand Reduction Outage
Your Electricity supply may be affected in the next 12 hours
Controlled Demand Reduction
ESB Networks, under direction from EirGrid initiated controlled demand reduction protocols resulting in electricity outages across parts of Ireland. ESB Networks regrets that some customers are without supply. The emergency actions were required at short notice to protect the integrity of the Irish electricity system as there was insufficient generation available to meet demand.
- The Controlled Demand Reduction is expected to run across the different zones for the coming day(s).
- This disruption will run on a rota basis impacting 1 zone at a time resulting in temporary outages for some customers in the assigned zone.
- The maps will display the risk areas within each zone for the specified time period. We apologise to customers who are impacted.
Steps to stay informed
1. Know your Zone
For a controlled demand reduction event there is a map of Ireland which divides the country into three zones (Zone A, Zone B, and Zone C) so that controlled demand reduction is carried out evenly and rotated throughout the entire country
To view the map please click here and zoom in to view your location.
Some areas on the map titled ‘controlled demand reduction zones’ are not colour coded. This means that the electrical network in those areas are not included in plans for controlled demand reduction. These areas are primarily uninhabited areas, or have critical services connected to that part of the network. Please refer to FAQ link at the bottom of this page for further information on ‘How are customers prioritised?
2. Risk times for power outages in your zone
Now that you are aware of which zone you are in use the below table to look up the date and time you are most at risk of an outage for a controlled demand reduction.
We will publish more detail maps for customers in the 'time' column in the table below. This will appear as a hyperlink when its available. We would advise customers in the at-risk zone to save this page to your favourites to keep updated.
Date | At Risk Zone | Time |
Monday 30/1/23 | Zone A | |
Monday 30/1/23 | Zone B | |
Tuesday 31/1/23 | Zone C | 12 pm - 6 pm |
Wednesday 1/2/23 | Zone A | TBC |
No further demand reductions are currently forecast |
FAQs - Controlled Demand Reduction
More Information
My energy consumption
