Electrification of Heat and Transport

Electrification of heat and transport

At ESB Networks we are committed to enabling Ireland’s transition to a secure and affordable low carbon future. The distribution system is evolving to facilitate the drive towards a low-carbon energy system where 70% of the electricity generated comes from renewable sources by 2030. This will require the connection of up to 14 GW of renewable generation to the transmission and distribution networks. The distribution network will need to be able to cater for up to 936,000 electric vehicles on our roads and 600,000 homes that are equipped with eheat technology such as heat pumps.

What is a Family Apartment? 

A family apartment (previously referred to as a granny flat) is a self-contained unit built adjoining an existing house. It is used for additional accommodation for a family member, usually an elderly person. A family apartment may be a newly constructed extension or a conversion of an existing structure such as a garage.

Family Apartment Conditions

There are certain conditions that must be met to qualify for a family apartment connection:

  • As a sub-division of a main dwelling, the meter for a family apartment must be connected to the same incoming ESB Networks service cable as the main dwelling. The family apartment meter must therefore be located immediately adjacent to the meter for the main dwelling. Prior to the customer carrying out any works, the suitability of the service and proposed position of the meter must first be agreed with ESB Networks.
  • Only one family apartment connection is allowed per dwelling at ground floor level.
  • The apartment must be for family use only, not for sub-letting.
  • Proof of planning permission for the family apartment from the relevant Local Authority may be requested. Where planning permission is not required, ESB Networks may require evidence of family use.
  • The main dwelling and family apartment should be internally connected through an interconnecting door.
  • The existing service must be adequate to cater for the main dwelling load as well as the proposed family apartment.  

Where any of the criteria above are not met, the new connection may be dealt with as a standard 12 kVA house or apartment development.

What and how?

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