Generator Connections
46 KB
Line Impedance data for 38 kilovolt
This document lists the line impedance data for 38 Kilovolt.
49 KB
Line Impedance data for Medium Voltage
This document lists the line impedance data for Medium Voltage.
1 MB
New Generator Connection Application (NC5)
This form should be completed by customers who want a new generator connected to the distribution system.
242 KB
New Generator Connection Application (NC5A)
New Generator Connection Application. This form should be completed by customers who want a new generator connected to the distribution system.
244 KB
Node Assignments list - Updated 20_05_2011
The System Operators have undertaken to update the node assignments list from time to time to confirm any changes to the Gate 3 tables originally published on the 19th January 2009. Changes are marked in yellow in the document and a footnote is included explaining the high level reason for the change.
133 KB
Novation Request Template Letter
In the case of requests for Assignment, you should submit the Letter of Assignment/ Novation requesting to novate the existing Connection Agreement to a New Legal Entity.
785 KB
Standard Distribution Generator Connection Agreement_For Contestability of Commissioning Consultation 22.07.16
The purpose of this consultation is to seek views from industry on the joint proposal from EirGrid and ESB Networks to introduce contestability of commissioning for customer connections to the electricity system at transmission and distribution level.
413 KB
Standard Distribution Generator QL_For Contestability of Commissioning Consultation 22.07.16
The purpose of this consultation is to seek views from industry on the joint proposal from EirGrid and ESB Networks to introduce contestability of commissioning for customer connections to the electricity system at transmission and distribution level.
374 KB
Supplemental application for Modifications to Generation Connection Offers
This application form should be completed if your project is being processed within the group processing approach GPA, and you wish the system operators to use assumed project data rather than specific project data provided by you.